
After doing a lot of research, it was time to look at some practical things that we can do in our day to day lives.

Here is a list of the things that we have tried, some involve a lot of work - others are small practical things that can help.  Recycling is an important theme running through most of these categories, hence it doesn't have it's own, but is one of the key ways in which we can live more sustainably.


We look at ways in which to use less, waste less drinking water and still meet all our needs.


Grow your own, buy local and try not to generate waste.


Generate electricity, insulate your house, cook with the power of the sun.

Carbon Footprint

What is your carbon footprint, how is it broken down, what can you do to improve it?


Recycling, reducing emissions, composting and more besides.


Ways in which we can build the houses and businesses we need sustainably.

Images kindly provided by William Warby and Chris Lim under wikimedia commons. Files licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-share alike 2.0 Generic Licence